Current Objects is a curated collection of architect*-designed objects. It is a publication of small things; a digital (and sometimes physical) store; a forum for experimentation, production, and extension of architectural practice and research.


THEME: Reflect
YEAR: 2022
STUDIO: rockpaperscissors
MATERIAL: Plywood off-cuts
QUALITIES: Round, Recycled


Plywood offcuts are reframed as the main event with these hand-turned knobs. Available in three shapes—Sphere, Cone, and Cup—they can be mixed and matched as cabinet pulls or wall hooks. Each knob is unique and shows the love and care taken in reusing material remnants gleaned from job sites. Part of a larger material research program undertaken by Mumbai-based Studio Tessera.

Each knob is shipped with hardware for through-bolting. Spec for wall-mounting hanger bolt size available upon request.

$35 $20